ACVCP Candidate Calendar

ACVCP Deadline/Event
August 01Online application system available to candidates
October 01Candidates must complete and submit online credentials application. All supporting documents must be post-marked and sent to secretary-treasurer.
December 01Exam procedural guidelines posted for candidates
December 01Candidates are notified of credentials review outcome
January 01Last day to appeal rejection of credentials
January 15Location and dates of Phase I and Phase II available online
February 01Last day to notify ACVCP (online) of intent to take Phase I and/or Phase II in the current year
February 01 Examination fees postmarked for Phase I and/or Phase II
February 01 ACVCP notifies candidates of approval or rejection of credentials appeals
Early May Phase I Exam (Actual date will be posted on the Candidate Welcome Page)
Middle JunePhase II Exam (Actual date will be about 45 days after the Phase I exam and will be posted on the Candidate Welcome Page)